Yönhaltijain Dernin Mörri

Yönhaltijain Dernin Mörri

Int CH, Ch FIN, Ch LT, Ch EST JCH BALT, BLR, EST, LT, LV, Finnish Winner 09-10, Helsinki Winner 10

  • Date of birth: 30 Октябрь 2007
  • Color: red
  • Father: Chowderny Xinling-Shi
  • Mother: C'Hengtus Creme Northern Light
  • Owner: Salka Pellikka
  • Country: Finland

Hips B/B, elbows 0/0, knees 0/0, eyes healthy

Titles in Finland:

  • Best puppy of the Year 2008
  • Best Young Chow of the Year 2009
  • Best Chow of the year 2009, 2010, 2011
  • Best Finnish Bred Chow of 2009, 2010, 2011
5.0/5 оценка (3 голосов)




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